Sunday 13 December 2009

Global warming challenge

Those that pontificate about the humans race causing global warming have a slogan saying -- ‘We are destroying the planet by causing increased global warming through human involvement!’--

Firstly we need to isolate precisely what they say is causing the alleged human created global warming, and it would appear that carbon dioxide is the gas at the centre of the problem. They have a tendency to also bring other gases into the equation, as well as cloud cover, rain, deforestation, areas of snow reflecting surfaces, animal wind, population increases, etc., all alleged to be producing similar adverse effects on global warming. These are thrown into the discussion more as a distraction to take the concentration off the carbon dioxide blame when their arguments of the importance of human planet involvement are being eroded. So we need to concentrate on the possibility that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere may be a controlling influence on global warming, this effectively being what they are saying!

A considerable volume of research has been undertaken in the world on particular areas of the planet, and over specific time periods in its existence. All these time zones have been relatively recent in planet terms, but the thinking and conclusions deduced from these research periods have been extended to predict what the future holds for the planet. What you must not do, when graphing results, is to project a graph into the future without referencing to the behavioural pattern prior to the dates covering the graph time zone, or properly relating to what is happening within the graph itself, or have a very good justifiable reason for extending the graph line beyond its perimiter. Of course, the followers of human controlled global warming point to our way of life and our possible misuse of natural resources and that these are peculiar to this period on the planet, and they therefore claim it is acceptable to consider only a relative short period of global time for these research results to be relevant, and without such an approach they say there would be nothing to go on. Indeed they say this is the only way to deal with the problem.

Intentionally, or unintentionally, the human global warming concern has been combined with the ongoing reduction of natural resources through continuing demand for these materials, and the overall combined package is being treated as one problem, with the results of particularly specific research then being used to justify this combined approach, the parameters of the research having been chosen to concentrate on specific aspects that may be considered to be of benefit to the human race global warming thinking group. The policies that are then advocated are subsequently applied to the global thinking, with the result that everyone must contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide, whatever is the cost, at their own peril!

Let’s go to the core of the perceived problem, and concentrate on the historical evidence with regard to the relationship between the global temperature and the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere. Research into this relationship over a time span of 600,000 years has produced information showing the relationship between the two, and the following graph is one of those that is available showing the effect of this research in graphical terms over a period of time of.400,000 years.

The figures resulting in this graph were deduced from Antarctic ice-core records. These have been peer reviewed and are therefore accepted by the professional community as being accurate, and they can therefore be relied upon.

The 400,000 years that this graph covers can be seen to be repetitive every 100,000 years or so. It can be seen that the temperature of the Earth reaches its maximum at nominally the same time as the concentration of the carbon dioxide also reaches its maximum, and similarly, both minimum temperature and minimum carbon dioxide happen at about the same time in each cycle. This is true until the last couple of centuries when the earth’s temperature reached it’s maximum and has gone no further, this being no more than the previous peaks, whereas the carbon dioxide has continued to soar, far more than at any other time in the last 400,000 years.

The lesson from this graph, which has data that has been peer reviewed, as already stated, is that the global temperature is controlled by other forces, which have been proved to be cyclical in nature, and they have not been, and are not being, controlled by the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere. --'Therefore it can be stated quite clearly that the current man made increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not causing any similar related global warming, the temperature of this being no greater that that performed by the Earth, on its own, in the past.'-- Reducing the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere is similarly not going to affect the global temperature by anything that could evenly remotely be considered to be of any importance whatsoever in the short time, regardless of what can seemingly be evaluated by supposedly relevant experiments.

The global temperature is at, or very close to, its peak in the cycles, and it is possible that a forced reduction in the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere might cause the earth to go into an ice age more quickly than it would do otherwise, because there is a possibility that the current excess of the gas might be keeping the earth at its peak temperature for longer than intended. --'Now there’s a thought to ponder.'--


Dealing with unpleasant pollutants in the atmosphere for the benefit of mankind wellbeing, and dealing with over use of natural resources are both completely different problems and are not proved to be anything to do with global warming and they should therefore be dealt with completely separately.