Wednesday 9 September 2009

BT problem

When I first joined BT broadband, I was able to set up my email account without any problems. Then when I wanted to make use of one of the free sub emails there was likewise no problem. I could do it simply from my computer. Then BT merged with yahoo.

I now wanted to have access to one of the free remaining sub emails. I tried everything, but to no avail. I had to go down the help line. That was an automated service that accepted my question which was geared to finding how to get the extra free sub email address; I ended up being diverted to something that was quite irrelevant. I tried a different route by changing the question slightly, and that sent me to an 0800 number, in other words a free phone call. I had no problem with that.

I ended up with what sounded like an Indian lady. I checked where she was. ‘India’ she responded. Well at least I could understand her which was a great advantage. She didn’t say what I should do, except pass over my computer screen for her to manage, and told me not to touch my mouse unless specifically instructed. She moved around the screen hither and thither, asking me questions on the way. All I could see was this nervous mouse pointer moving all over the place with new screens appearing, and entries going onto them. I was a little uneasy with this foreigner probing my computer, even though I was assured that there was no risk. I ended up with my new address. The end result was fine. But why is it so much more complicated than it was before yahoo became involved? Mind you, they may have been involved before, it may be just that I noticed them this time, and wanted to find someone to blame. That was about a week ago. I was then able to set up a new blog.

Today I wanted to add to that new blog. ‘They’ wouldn’t let me because I hadn’t confirmed my email address. Everything I tried wouldn’t work, and I couldn’t get access to my new address! Oh dear! Tried again through the computer to get access to this problem. No good. Had to go down the same telephone route as before, back to India! This time I couldn’t understand my assistant. I had to get him to slow down and speak more clearly which he did for most of the time. Not a good start!

He went through the whole system again, taking control of my computer, with me not really relaxed while he did it. Couldn’t work out what he was doing most of the time, just watching the mouse pointer flipping here and there. I once went to move the mouse to help him and was instantly told off! Charming! In the end, after another 50 minutes, he had won. I was now able to access my new email account.

I’ve come away with my experience of BT severely damaged, with considerable trepidation now about the security of my system. Hearing at times of the personal information that appears out of India and is distributed to anyone who pays for it, I have severe reservations about the experience I have just had. I have found it all very disturbing.

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